Towards Autonomous Solutions and
Digital Realities – Innovating for the Future
Join us at HxGN LIVE GeoSummit, our premier digital event for 2021, packed with keynotes, tech highlights and new product showcases as well as knowledge-sharing sessions from our customers. Tracks will cover surveying, geospatial content, heavy construction, building solutions and more. For an optimal experience, filter the agenda by language, topic, session type, and country or time zone to play your optimal experience. Register today to find out about the latest technology trends and innovations, and gain insights that will help grow your business.
What is Hexagon’s vision of where business, industry and humanity sustainably thrive? How did innovation from Wild Heerbrugg 100 years ago change an industry, and how do Hexagon’s innovations today help change the world? Find out how Hexagon’s unique portfolio of sensor, software and autonomous solutions are unleashing the power of data to change the world for the better. Join these keynote sessions to learn how our digital solutions put data to work in various industries to create value, increase profits, drive productivity and create a more sustainable planet.
Preview our new autonomous solutions and learn how they will positively impact the future. Learn how specific innovations are enabling our customers to do more, quickly and easily. Hear from our experts about key features and functions and find out how you, your team and your industry will benefit from our new solutions.
Learn about the journey towards a more automated and sustainable future for construction. Sessions will cover best practices for leveraging best-in-class workflows; show how to increase productivity with software and sensor solutions; discuss the advantages of cloud-based data sharing; show the benefits of scanning for project tracking and verification to save time and money; share innovations in monitoring and demonstrate AI-powered real-time construction progress tracking and documentation ... and more.
To learn more, watch the video below by clicking the play icon.