Design & Engineering 2021
We have a library of over 200 OnDemand sessions for you to watch.
Learn about the biggest challenges facing engineering and manufacturing...
Digital Transformation / Digital Twins / Smart Manufacturing / Autonomous Futures / Design for Sustainability / Multiphysics and Co-simulation / eMobility / Electrification / Big Data and Analytics / AI and Machine Learning
Hundreds of presentations covering the most relevant themes...
Structures / System Dynamics / Acoustics / Virtual Manufacturing & Costing / Materials / CFD / Autonomous / CT Scanning / Applied Solutions / AI-ML / SPDM
Deep-dive into the world’s leading Design & Engineering solutions including...
MSC Software / Forming Technologies (FTI ) / Free Field Technologies (FFT) / VIRES / Simufact / Romax / Software Cradle / Volume Graphics / e-Xstream